Nixmoney для CMS Shop-Script 5

In FTP - client, copy the folder wa-plugins to the root of the site

Go to the admin panel, go to «Magazin», go to "Settings → Payment". Click on the "Add a payment method" and select Nixmoney

Fill your parameters of payment method 

  • URL of merchant  is the default -, should not be changed if you were not notified  about it by the payment system (specify the to work in test mode)
  • Specify the account number to which the funds will be transmitted
  • Specify the password to login to your account
  • Enter a description (comment) to a payment for an orders
  • Enter the path to the log-file to record information about the payments. If you leave the field empty, the records will not be carried on.
  • You can specify a whitelist the IP-addresses. Each address is entered, separated by commas or specified using mask (*). For example * If the field is empty checking isnot carried out

In the field - e-mail address can be specified for sending log of error 

Click save.

Nixmoney should appear in the list of payment systems

Nixmoney module is configured.

Download attachments:

NixMoney - cyber currency of the future

NixMoney - this is the first payment system that supports Bitcoin and other crypto-currency and valuably works in an anonymous network TOR. NixMoney offers a wide variety payment tools for online stores, exchanges, forums and other commercial and non-commercial sites.