Conditions for cooperation for exchange-who can become a partner.

Payment system NixMoney invites to cooperation exchange offices for exchanging title units and electronic currencies, and also financial institutions.

A set of rules:

  1. Exchange item recognized service the essence activities which is to share the title of banknotes NixMoney to similar title banknotes or cash.Currency exchange becomes a partner in sistem only upon application filing and his registration as exchange partners.
  2. These rules must be followed by all exchange partners systems NixMoney. These rules regulate the procedure of the exchange of title units NixMoney to other electronic currencies and cash.
  3. Exchange office, which took obligations to exchange banknotes title Nix Money, undertakes to quickly and operatively perform exchange operations.
  4. On the website of exchange office must be published in the form of detailed information about the terms of exchange and logotype Nix Money payment system with reference to the URL:
  5. Prior to the exchange transactions with system NixMoney each exchange office must provide their purse number to identify the exchange point. All exchange operations can be performed with just one account, certified and attached to your exchange item (possible have different accounts, but they must be under one login).
  6. Exchange office is entitled to appoint any commission on exchange title units NixMoney. Highest possible commission to exchange NixMoney should not exceed 10%.
  7. Every official exchange office system of NixMoney undertakes to react expeditiously on system messages NixMoney and quickly solve all possible situations in accordance with the rules of the system.
    Exchange office undertakes to provide all customer data and transaction information upon request of NixGroup. Corp.
  8. Ignorance of the rules currency exchange offices -partners does not relieve the exchange partners NixMoney system of from liability.
  9. Advantages of working with the system NixMoney for exchange offices.
  10. System NixMoney ready to support and encourage exchange offices, and is interested in long-term and reliable cooperation with exchange partners. NixMoney willing to provide to exchange partners the following benefits.
  11. Cash balances in the system NixMoney exchange offices
    shall be entitled withdraw on favorable terms on bank transfer. Bank transfers exchange offices -partners are performed in priority order.
  12. The percentage increase on the balancedepending on the turnover exchange office. The percentage of regulated by an individual basis at the discretion of the administration system.
  13. Crediting exchange offices title marks NixMoney depending on the turnover and the time of operation.
  14. Actions of exchange offices causing damage to the reputation of the payment system Nix Money - comprising, but are not exhaustive.
  15. Exchange title units Nix Money with considerable losses for the customer and excess profits for exchange office.
  16. Actions aimed at reducing the liquidity of the payment system.
  17. The intentional change mid-market exchange electron-currency pairs.
  18. Payment system NixMoney liberal to exchange partners and encourages irreproachable execution of rules with exchange offices-partners. In case of regular violation of rules, exchange partner will be removed from the list, and the system Nixmoney will not recommend to spend with him any transactions.

NixMoney - cyber currency of the future

NixMoney - this is the first payment system that supports Bitcoin and other crypto-currency and valuably works in an anonymous network TOR. NixMoney offers a wide variety payment tools for online stores, exchanges, forums and other commercial and non-commercial sites.